Terms and Conditions

Business Consulting and Document Generation Services



Welcome to our Business Consulting and Document Generation Services. By using our services, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

1. Services Provided

We offer professional consulting and customized document generation services tailored to your business needs. Our services include but are not limited to business strategy consulting, market analysis, and the creation of personalized business documents.

2. Processing Requests

All requests for document generation will be processed within 3-5 business days from the date of request submission. This timeframe is necessary to ensure the highest quality and accuracy of the documents produced.

3. Fees and Payment

Fees for our services will be provided at the time of consultation or via our official website. Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice, prior to the release of the final documents.

4. Client Responsibilities

As a client, you are responsible for providing accurate and complete information necessary for the fulfillment of the services. Failure to provide necessary information may result in delays or the inability to complete the services requested.

5. Intellectual Property

All materials provided during the course of our services, including but not limited to documents, reports, and advice, are proprietary and may not be shared, copied, or disseminated without the express written consent of our company.

6. Confidentiality

We uphold strict confidentiality policies to protect the privacy and proprietary information of our clients. All client information is treated as confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without prior consent, except as required by law.

7. Termination of Services

Either party may terminate the agreement at any time with written notice. Upon termination, any outstanding fees for services rendered up to the date of termination will be due immediately.

8. Limitation of Liability

Our liability for any claim related to the services provided shall not exceed the fees paid by the client for such services. We are not liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out of this agreement.

9. Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which our company is registered, without regard to its conflict of laws rules.


Thank you for choosing our Business Consulting and Document Generation Services. We look forward to serving your business needs.





Goal of the Week

Time to Level UP!!Make the change Today!

It's Time for a  Change?

As Individuals, we go through life helping others. We make sure everybody else is ok, however, are you satisfied with your life as it is now or do you feel like something is missing? Now is the time to explore what is missing. Do you  want to start your own business but don't know where to start? RUN Enterprises, LLC has just launched an amazing program called "Love Yourself First"...and we are only seeking those Individuals who are sick and tired of being sick and tired and who are ready to WIN!! Will you be the next one?

Got Questions?

We're at your service:


RUN Enterprises, LLC

110 Coliseum Crossing, Suite 5401

Hampton, VA 23666


Phone: (877) 557-5896

Direct: (757) 993-8263

E-mail: info@run-enterprises-group.com



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